Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"It's a Miracle" says Doctors

Miracle in Progess

"We have never seen a person suffer a stroke like Jack's and improve as much as he has in only 3 weeks," stated Doctor's from USC University Hopital.

"Last night you were prayed for at the graduation ceremony. I noticed several seniors had notes on their mortar boards praying for you. It shows how many people you have touched. Of course we ran into friends and the first thing they ask is about you. Everyone wants to see your recovery. I want to witness a miracle. It is what I pray for through out the day."
-Randy Thompson

  • Jack is sitting up

  • He can hold his head up

  • More facial expressions


  • Never ceases to amaze everyone on how well he is communicating. (Note - Will soon be entering the over 50 spelling bee contest, held in Nashville, Tennesse.)

Nurses Report

Jack is their favorite patient because of his positive attitude and effort in everything he does. They are just beginning to realize and appreciate the person we all know and love. It's great to know he is in such wonderful care!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hospital Visit 6/22/07

  • Jack has great facial movement and expressions.
  • He is able to mouth words very well.
  • He is able to point at the alphabet board and spell words faster than most of us. "It will make you want to brush up on your own spelling! Pretty soon he will be using a board for his foot as well as his hand. The hand will be saying one thing his foot something else. If anyone could, he could. His progress is evident and remarkable." -Randy Barkley
  • Moving his left arm and hand very well, shook hands
  • He is teasing the doctors and nurses.
  • Smiles and laughs alot.

Jack communicated through the alphabet board for his thankfulness to all of you and continued to point up to God for all that He has done already!!!

Things to pray for:

  • Increased movement on both sides especially his right side
  • Continued improvement with his communication
  • His transition to a rehab facility in the near future

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Thank everyone for their prayers!" from Jack - June 20,2007

*Message from Jack - "Thank everyone for their prayers!!! Only God has sustained me this far. Tell them that I have felt every single prayer." Jack communicated this message through an alphabet board.



Karen stated, "Thank everyone for their prayers, letters, food and every little thing that has been done by so many, thank you, thank you..."

Doctor's Report

*Mental Status - As you can see from the above messages, Jack's mental state is excellent. A great example - the Doctor's were sitting around Jack's bed discussing his condition and treatment when Jack raised his hand to get their attention so he could add his "two cents." It was just like being back at one of his many board meetings!

*Movement - He is having physical therapy every day. His left side is increasing in motion each day. Praise Report #2 - He has a tiny bit of movement noted on his right side. Keep praying for more movement on his right side. Jack had limited movement intially on his left side and this has improved tremendously, we are going to believe that the same will happen to the right side.

Note - Jack was seen moving Katie's hair away from her face and eyes, as she sat near his bed. This is something that he has always done for her since she was a little girl.

Again, thank you for your many prayers.......

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday - June 18th - Update

* Movement - Jack is moving his mouth trying to form words. He is able to move his tongue, and make facial expressions. He has increased movement on his left side, can touch his face with his left hand. All of these motions are increasing each day.

* Personality - As we stated in a recent blog, JACK is BACK. He is joking around and making people laugh.

It is unknown when he will be moving to rehab but it looks like in the near future. The Doctor's do not want to release him from ICU too soon.

Karen, Heather, Katie, Matthew and Michael (Katie's boyfriend) are getting more rest and doing well. They continue to appreciate all of the writings to the blog, especially the jokes and funny stories. So keep 'em coming, along with your prayers!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day


Saturday, June 16, 2007

More Improvements

The Prayer Pager has been outstanding. It is going off countless times a day and Jack and his Family are really touched by this ongoing support!!

951 -344-3405

* Movement - At first Jack was unable to move his right side. Today he moved his right foot.

He watched the Dodger / Angel game with Matthew on TV, last night.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Praise Report


* Communication - He communicates to the family by pointing to an alphabet board. The family states that it is like a "game of charades." As they start the word, Heather, Katie or Matthew will try and guess the word or phrase and Jack gets a real big kick out of this. He will start to smile and even laugh watching them trying to figure out the words he is communicating.

Just before Jack had his stroke, he was going through the Baker's drive through and had ordered (2) tostados. Apparently, one of the communications that Jack made to Joel Alexander was: "Instead of getting a tostado, I got a stroke." Now, that is the Jack that we all know and love!!!!!!

* Movement - Jack is able to move his left arm much better and can wave and hold it in the air.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Update & Prayer Pager

Great news!!!!The family reports that the Doctor's stated the latest MRI showed the anurism has reduced slightly in size. This was a big day for Jack since they put in a tracheostomy. Keep praying that everything continues to move forward!

A Prayer Pager has been established. The purpose of the pager is to alert Jack when someone is praying for him. The pager will vibrate on his wrist when you call the number below. The pager number is:

When you call the pager it will prompt you with easy directions to follow.

Added to the About Me section is a picture of Jack preparing to land his helicopter on Catalina Island. This picture was taken from the backseat of the helicopter.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Your Prayers & Stories Are Making A Difference!

Everyone's response to the Hawkin's Family blog has been outstanding!!

This is the latest update:

Jack is progressively improving. His temperature is normal and his appearance is improving. The family attributes that to all of your prayers and support. Tomorrow is a big day for Jack and he will need your prayers. They have requested that we continue with telling fun stories on the blog.

If anything, knowing that so many of you care and love Jack has helped keep his spirits up. It is a blessing to have such a tight knit community of friends to aid in their support through this journey.

We will do our best to update you on this site. Again your prayers and stories are very much coveted. Please let others know about the blog so that we can continue to lift up Jack.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Jack's Update

This blog is designed to help all of us stay up to date on Jack's condition and communicate with his family and many, many, many friends. Karen has stated that she told Jack about this blog and that he appeared to brighten up. Karen plans on reading some of our messages from this blog to Jack. This is an excellent way that you can get a message directly to the family and Jack. Please feel free to write any of the following;

  • Notes to Jack, Karen, Heather, Katie or Matthew

  • Prayers

  • Notes to Jack's Friends

  • Anything you feel would be appropriate....

Please let us know anything that you would like to be added to this blog for Jack and his family.

Oran Pentz and Randy Barkley